Things have changed in the last few days, I see calm now. She actually let me put my hand in the cage and pet her. She has found interest in her reflection and I saw her attack it the other day. I’m trying to put a back light on the glass, to tone down the reflection.
I wouldn’t mind it, but she is bruising her nose and I’m trying hard to heal the scars she acquired at the shelter. Her attacking the “other iguana in the window” makes me ask “Is she is a he? I so wanted another boy iggie and she acts like such a tom boy. She is so headstrong and obstinate. She always has to be right. Wait, maybe she is a girl!!
She has gotten better on the leash outside as well; I have found placing her high on a structure covered with plants is working well, since she is at the top of something, she stays up there, observing the area. It takes her about 15 minutes before she considers moving down, and at that time I tell her “no” and put her back saying “stay here. I spent the morning planting the garden with collards, mustard and zucchini.
I also planted some Chinese kale and turnip greens by seed, this way when one crop seeds, I will have another to fall back on. I let her watch me plant the garden as well. After about an hour in the sun, I put an umbrella up and she was still too hot and wanted down to explore the yard. I discouraged this brought her to the back door to the house and let her find her way in. Every time we come back to the house, I leave her outside the door and let her go in by herself. This will set her up so in time, she will know where the entrance of the house in.
Had a breakthrough this weekend. I helped her with a head shed, gently rubbed the scales that were ready to come off, and then her poor black nose, shed off!! When it released it startled me cuz It was thick and I thought her whole nose was falling off. Now I understand why it was black, it was a scab. Underneath was delicate pink and very tender.
By the end of the day it began to harden over and change to a light grey! Her nostrils shed as well, This is allowing her to breath better and the whistling sound she made is now gone. Still pieces are left around her face but I have to let them drop by themselves, otherwise, more scarring could occur if removed before their time.
After the shower I allowed her to walk back thru the house to her enclosure. I went to the couch and watched some tv and left her alone to explore. To my surprise she did the unthinkable…she walked up my leg onto the couch. It was her way of saying, hey, thank you, I think I can trust you, you’re alright and I think you are going to be my friend.
She even hesitated on my lap, allowing me to pet her!! WOW! Huge, just huge!
Then she slowly walked across my laptop and up into her home! She did this the following day too and it meant a lot to me. THIS is progress! This is promising. This is a taste of what is to come!
Whispering is needed less and less, our stream of communication is present, the respect is evident and the future looks bright
It is only the 3 days I have to work that sets our progress back, but in time she will come to understand that is just the way it is.