Week 7 – Things are Improving

7 weeks

She now allows me to put my hand in her enclosure and will allow me to pet her. She is beginning to trust me and is learning that when I enter her space, it is to bring food or clean up things, or just get her a pet to check her warmth.

When I put my hand inside to clean the salt off the glass in front of her and she stays on the branch, without threating me, or leaving her space.

It’s not perfect yet, she still opens her mouth and pulls back her tail at times, but it is nothing like it was and the behavior seems reactionary now, not a show of force like it was.

I can break up the food in front of her and she will eat out of my hand.

Out of her enclosure she is beginning to allow me to pick her up without running away. This is a big.

She can go outside with a harness, leash and supervision.

She goes for car rides and behaves.

She has begun her first shed and is looking better! Some green is coming to her back and her face has begun to heal.

She has never gone potty in her enclosure, if I don’t make it home in time; she chooses the floor in the kitchen. I’m thankful she has the courtesy to go on the floor and not the carpet. I’m surprised at her intelligence, she is a fast learner. She is becoming my little Angel!