I had friends help me put together a new enclosure outside for Angel!
I had two room dividers, we put them together and covered in it screen and plastic poultry netting.
She is relishing the outdoor experience and is content in her new outdoor space. I was fearful that she would try to escape and rub to get out, but the size and the set up has been a big hit.
The secret is that she feels secure inside it. She feels safe from predator’s, she has found comfort inside her habitat! I am so happy that she is is happy!!
I placed a large jade plan inside and placed branches everywhere. I added little shelves here and there to lounge on. I place plastic around it on windy days to keep the temperature consistent and warm.
Days are still a bit nippy in May and June gloom mornings are coming. On the side of the house I have experimented with total freedom, or should I say controlled freedom. She has a large area to leave form the kitchen window and can travel to the fence and even climb a tree if she wants too.
I have been spending nearly all my free time figuring out how to perfect her environment. It takes time, but the work I put into this now, will pay off big in the future, and I know this. The money I spend on building and creating a space we can both enjoy will be worth it.