Summer is in full swing and how can things be better for an iguana? Angel is finally getting up early with the light of day and can’t wait to get outside as soon as she can. With her cage attached to the house, she can come and go as she pleases, at least when I am at home.
This delights her and finally, after 1 and a half years, she has claimed my home as her home, her territory. In the afternoon she wants to patrol the area. She knows where the mirrors are, thus, where all the “other iguanas” hang out. She finds pleasure in this and now since she is larger and can’t get into the small hiding spots any more, I just let her explore.
She is reached the age of understanding and is aware of the rules of the house. The only “no’s” she gets now is when she pushes her territory by climbing on things she can’t climb. She wants to walk thru her territory everyday about 2-3 pm. By giving her freedom to roam, I am showing her trust and respect.
She locates the usual suspects (reflections of herself in the mirror, or a plush alligator that I have on my bed) and beats them up, or tries to. It is a necessary instinct that I let her play out. I think it’s good to release those hormones and establish a feeling of authority and dominance in her home.
She is of the age to begin training. I am going to work with her personality and let her talent evolve around that.
She just learning to cuddle, but only allows me to hold her with gentle force, after all, I need a share of affection. She falls into the zone for a minute or two and I in time and with age, she will appreciate having the love and caring around her.
One thing that I am proud of her is understanding “easy”. I took her to a friend’s open house and she was amazing. One “easy” and she calmed and let me hold her as I visited for more than 15 minutes. Even when we explored the home and grounds she never fussed to get down. She just knew from my energy and thoughts, that this was a time to behave. She was amazing!
Training is underway now and the effort is paying off. She is now knows the iguana common commands of Come, Chase, Display, Attack and Easy. This means she is ready for her next step. The movies.